Computer can't find COSTAR.

Computer can't find COSTAR.

Postby leburns81 » August 30th, 2012, 6:01 pm

I plugged my COSTAR into my computer to update it, led flashed (red, green, off: repeating) as I guess it should. I started the update, it said it was deleting the program, then said it failed to update. Now I have no lights and the computer will not communicate with the COSTAR box at all. Please help, I have tried to use both CPU and CDPU to get it to work. How can I get my programming back?
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Re: Computer can't find COSTAR.

Postby mrcostar » August 31st, 2012, 5:35 pm

Hi Levi,
Try unplugging the USB and plugging it back in. If the LED's light up,m you should be able to reprogram it. IF not, the bootloader might be corrupted and you will have to send it in for reprogramming. Contact techsupport if this is the case. They can help you fix this.
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Re: Computer can't find COSTAR.

Postby leburns81 » August 31st, 2012, 7:37 pm

Looks like I will be contacting tech support, as I have no LEDs showing when I plug it back in. I was hoping there was a program I could run or a way for tech support to do it remotely. Thanks for your help, maybe it will come back with the latest update, I'll try not to update it again. Lol
Thanks again,
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Joined: August 30th, 2012, 5:20 pm

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