No Caller ID

No Caller ID

Postby ni8train » October 10th, 2013, 6:57 pm

I don't get any caller ID on the radio or DIC in a 2006 Trailblazer. Is there a setting I can check?
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Re: No Caller ID

Postby mrcostar » October 14th, 2013, 6:09 pm

Caller Id is currently only available on GMLAN based vehicles.
Trailblazer / Envoy platform is CLASS2 based.
We are currently working a solution with 2006 Silverado. Not yet sure if this will work across all CLASS2 platforms.
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Re: No Caller ID

Postby aanderud » March 4th, 2014, 2:06 pm

Hi there. Wondering if you ever got the older non-GMLAN vehicles working with caller ID. I have a 2005 Suburban, and would like caller ID to work if possible. I can download and test out a ROM for you if you happen to have code you want tested. Just email me the binary file and I'll update to it.

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