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Failed Serial Read Timed Out

PostPosted: January 19th, 2013, 1:19 pm
by olivier.dhulst
Sorry for my bad English. I set to update the firmware in v.12-0718 but at the end of the up-to-day I have this message: Failed Serial Read Timed Out.
LED stops blinking and I can not put the version 10-1028: (
I hope we can fix it.

BlueSTAR 2010 for Chevrolet Avalanche 2003

Re: Failed Serial Read Timed Out

PostPosted: January 20th, 2013, 10:02 am
by mrcostar
Are you using the latest version of the CPU program? Are the drivers properly installed as per the instructions in the users manual?

Re: Failed Serial Read Timed Out

PostPosted: January 20th, 2013, 2:18 pm
by olivier.dhulst
Yes everything is up to date. It is a machine recently purchased.
When I plug the USB LED does not blink as before ...
I click on Program and nothing happens for at least 10 seconds.
I have to choose my port (com3).
Blue Star version: Version Not ble to read
Mac Address: Mac Label
DSP version: Version Label dsp
It is already indicated: Failed Serial Read timed out
I can choose the firmware (I already tried 12_0718 and 1028)
He established communication but after the message Sending request it stops with the message: Failed Serial Read timed out

Re: Failed Serial Read Timed Out

PostPosted: January 21st, 2013, 12:03 pm
by mrcostar
No LED activity when plugged into USB is bad sign. Means the processor is not running in any fashion.
Please try another USB cable to make sure that is not the problem.

Re: Failed Serial Read Timed Out

PostPosted: January 21st, 2013, 1:42 pm
by olivier.dhulst
I've tried three different cables. Yet in the device manager when I connect, I see that appears port3.

It's not normal that the update broke the module ...

Re: Failed Serial Read Timed Out

PostPosted: March 14th, 2013, 7:38 pm
by September
I disconnected the battery of my Cadillac SRX. The Bluestar will power up when you plug it into the USB port. Then you should not get that error anymore.

Let us know what happens