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Phone will not work after streaming audio

PostPosted: January 31st, 2014, 1:56 pm
by roadslug
So my wife was about to throw this thing out of the window because it would not let her accept or make calls. After trying it on my phone and finding it works no problem, we narrowed it down to streaming music. If she launches Pandora and streams music the system will not allow her to answer calls until we cycle the ignition.

The vehicle is a 2008 G8 and right now I have the 3.5mm jack plugged into the front AUX port until spring where I can do a proper installation.

Has anyone else experienced the same?

I'm starting to wonder if it is an issue with using the front Aux instead of rear.

Re: Phone will not work after streaming audio

PostPosted: January 31st, 2014, 11:20 pm
by Omlifecrew
what kind of phones? Mine hardly ever works (to let me answer calls) and I have a 3.5mm jack plugged into mine. The other end just dangles until I want to listen to AUX music. Maybe it is an issue with the 3.5mm being plugged into the bluestar. I will see if I get better results when I completely disconnect the 3.5mm altogether and report back later.

Re: Phone will not work after streaming audio

PostPosted: December 6th, 2014, 11:48 am
by orion90000
Has anyone figured out the solution to this problem?

I have a 2012 silverado doing the same thing. Very frustrated.

Re: Phone will not work after streaming audio

PostPosted: January 17th, 2015, 3:01 pm
by Blaze1234
The same thing happens to me in an 07 Silverado with the audio being steamed from my Samsung s5. when streaming music i can hear a call come in and answer it using the onsta buttons and/or my steering wheel answer button, BUT once i answer the caller cannot hear me no i hear the caller.

I have found a setting in on my phone under Bluetooth connection for the Costar where i can turn off media, When i turn off bluetooth media settings the phone works fine (with out the streaming audio application)

The fault is definately in the streaming audio connection. The only way i was able to hear the caller after i answered with the costar is to turn the bluetooth off on my phone then used it held to my ear - which defeats the purpose of the Costar.

By looking at the non responses from the manufaturers of the Costar module they are not interested in fixing this issue.....

Re: Phone will not work after streaming audio

PostPosted: March 8th, 2015, 3:13 pm
by stanggt1313
Add my 2008 G8 to the list... Same issue

Re: Phone will not work after streaming audio

PostPosted: March 30th, 2015, 8:58 pm
by mrcostar
Please make sure AVRCP profile is enabled when streaming music.
Some phones like to have this profile even though it is not used.
We recommend enabling both A2DP and AVRCP for music streaming.

Good measure to erase all pairings and bluestar from cell memory too. Then re-pair cell to BlueSTAR with new profiles enabled.

Re: Phone will not work after streaming audio

PostPosted: June 1st, 2015, 9:23 am
by 2WheelPig
I've performed all of the steps mentioned, however I am still encountering the same issue. I did some testing on that and it just seems bluetooth "hand-off" doesn't go well. It doesn't seem to make a difference how I answer the call, whether I use the steering wheel control, the actual phone, or the OnStar button. If I'm streaming music and receive a call, the vehicle does switch to phone mode (shows on the radio and the instrument panel) however I do not hear the caller and they cannot hear me. If I shut off Bluetooth, and turn it back on my phone, then they can hear me through the vehicle speakers and I can hear them. However, at the end of the call my phone resumes playing music and the phone indicates it is sending the music over Bluetooth to the vehicle, but the music does not come over the speakers. Once again I have to disconnect and reconnect the Bluestar to my phone.

Re: Phone will not work after streaming audio

PostPosted: September 6th, 2015, 8:40 pm
by Packhound
I have the same problem on my 2009 Buick Lucerne. I am using a Galaxy S5. I have A2DP and AVRCP checked. If I receive a call while streaming audio from my phone, everything indicates that I am receiving a normal Bluetooth call, however, when I answer I cannot hear the caller and the caller cannot hear me. The only way that I can receive the call is to hit the "speaker" button on my cell.