High Pitched Whine and Volume Reset

July 31st, 2012, 3:34 pm
by Wightmn
Like the subject line, I'm getting a high pitched whine that rises and falls with engine RPM and the volume resets after each start up. Sounds like alternator whine. I didn't get this with onstar prior to the bluestar unit. The car is a 2008 Corvette and i have updated software and played with the gains. .
Anybody else seeing this? Other than these two things, it works great.
Thanks Ted
Re: High Pitched Whine and Volume Reset

February 7th, 2013, 8:52 pm
by lorensson
This is a common problem in car audio installation, not specific to the BlueStar.
Usually it is due to the audio system (or car electronics) not being grounded properly. I would suggest looking over your installation and double checking all grounding wires (including your head unit, and I dare say speakers as well) to find the culprit. If that doesn't help, you could install a car grounding kit. I did this in my 1995 Subaru Legacy to remedy this same problem and it didn't address it completely, but brought it to a point where it was almost unnoticeable.
Others with more experience may be able to chime in. Otherwise, Google will have tons of info on this topic.