Stays connected after car off

Stays connected after car off

Postby normanrs » February 20th, 2012, 9:25 am

Just installed Bluestar 2010 in my Chevy Sonic. Paired it with my phone, and tested. Works great, with good sound quality. My problem is it never disconnects - not even long after the car is off.

The car is parked in my attached garage and I keep my cellphone in my bedroom which is above the garage. Parked the car in their last night (and yes, of course, turned it off and took out the key). This morning the phone showed as still being connected.

I'm a little concerned about Bluestar staying on and wearing down my battery. The manual says that when the ignition is off if Bluestar doesn't detect any sound it shuts off after an hour. That seems to not be true.

Could my phone be lying to me and saying it's connected when it isn't? I called my voicemail this morning and I could hear the call on the phone, and the headset icon went away. (Wtf?)
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Re: Stays connected after car off

Postby mrcostar » February 21st, 2012, 9:45 pm

Some phones will leave a bluetooth symbol on the screen when bluetooth is enabled. It will change slightly when actually paired.
For example you might see a B when bluetooth is on, and a <B> when linked..

The best way to tell about the bluestar is to look at the mirror led. It should go off when the unit goes to sleep. (After you get out of the car)
As long as the mirror LED is off, you should be ok.
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Re: Stays connected after car off

Postby normanrs » February 22nd, 2012, 1:04 am

Bluestar does NOT go off after the car is off. It stays with the green light blinking. On top of that, when my phone finally does disconnect (such as when my wife took the car out for an errand) it does not reconnect when I start the car and have my phone with me. In fact, I have not been able to get my phone to reconnect at all (except by resetting Bluestar and repairing). ??
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