A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby BOAKS » April 1st, 2012, 1:45 am

Phone: HTC Thunderbolt running CM7
Vehicle: 2007 Chevy Traiblazer
Connected Through: iSimple Tranzit USB

I am having the same trouble as some others. I recieved my unit a couple months ago for a review on Gizmofusion.com. I updated the BlueSTAE 2010 as per the directions. My phone connected almost immedatly. Then I had some lights activate on my dash. Then the check engine light, and vehicle theft light came on. The vehicle then immediatly shut off. I could not restart the vehicle until the BlueSTAR 2010 was unplugged and the OnStar module was plugged back in. I repeated this numerous times. The check engin light was for not being able to communicate with the ecu. I will get the exact number next time I test this out. I have tried reflashing the beta code with the txt file and the costar DSP program. Nothing has resolved this issue. When I flashed back to the previous .cfw 11-0401 and the DSP that was included in the Porgram Utility the device functions as a bluetooth phone.

Hope this is detailed enough. Any questions let me know. This is a awesome feature and can't wait to see it fully implimented.

Ben Oaks

Another thing i noticed while testing different methods is if you upgrade, then downgrade the .cfw to 11.0401 and leave everything else the same, you get A2DP streaming and also phone, but everything comes through the 3.5 mm jack, even the phone calls. I did not test this method out long enough to see if it would cause my vehicle to shut off like the beta does.
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby mrcostar » April 1st, 2012, 8:58 pm

Seems like most of the issues are with vehicles that use CLASS2 protocol.
I will be looking into this closely and hope to have a solution soon.
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby dboycamaro » April 1st, 2012, 11:15 pm

I reflashed my costar to 11-1005. Plugged it back into the Envoy and it is working fine. Bluetooth phone connection is very clear and works as intended. :D Audio is still not working but I wasn't expecting it to. I think i'm going to leave it as is for the time being, at least until all the kinks for audio streaming have been worked out. I'll keep testing this week to make sure everything is working. I'll keep everyone posted.
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby mastercj » April 2nd, 2012, 3:10 pm

mrcostar wrote:Seems like most of the issues are with vehicles that use CLASS2 protocol.
I will be looking into this closely and hope to have a solution soon.

Update...My unit is streaming music through the onstar connection and not the audio jack...and yes I am Class2.
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby scruff24 » April 5th, 2012, 7:18 pm

Would I see any benefit from using this beta code? I have a Pontiac G8.....it has a front aux jack already..that I can plug into the phone....just curious. Because my Bluestar unit and Onstar is in the trunk of the car. Would be a chore to run a cable to the front of the car to plug the 3.5mm jack into the unit.
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby Omlifecrew » April 6th, 2012, 7:25 pm

So far I cannot connect phone audio and music audio using a droid 3. At first I get the Bluestar A2DP and a picture of headphones. When I select pair, it pairs, but only lets me use the phone audio option. I long press Bluestar A2DP and the only option it gives is phone audio. Went into the phone settings unpaired, deleted bluetooth data in applications, still no success. Still trying to figure out how to select both streaming audio and phone audio.

2007 Avalanche
Droid 3
Update to A2DP with new board installed
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby BOAKS » April 8th, 2012, 9:44 pm

Omlifecrew wrote:So far I cannot connect phone audio and music audio using a droid 3. At first I get the Bluestar A2DP and a picture of headphones. When I select pair, it pairs, but only lets me use the phone audio option. I long press Bluestar A2DP and the only option it gives is phone audio. Went into the phone settings unpaired, deleted bluetooth data in applications, still no success. Still trying to figure out how to select both streaming audio and phone audio.

2007 Avalanche
Droid 3
Update to A2DP with new board installed

Did you follow the directions exactly? i'm wondering if it was something that happened in the update process. Have you tried installing it again?
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby Omlifecrew » April 9th, 2012, 12:21 pm

I just received my unit back from service and plugged it in. It was updated to the new A2DP and the board was replaced. I don't think it would accept an update anyway. If I try to check the status using CoStar utility it just stays idle.
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby mrcostar » April 9th, 2012, 5:32 pm

Do to the amount of additional code added for this modification, the program does not fit into the 32MB device that was first released back in very early 2010. Most devices, shipped after, use a larger 64MB chip. If you have a very early BlueSTAR 2010, you can check with us prior to upgrading to determine if this will effect you.
Not this only applies to the first few hundred units shipped out at the beginning of the product release January 2010.

If you have this issue, do not worry, we will replace the board for you as needed.
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Re: A2DP Streaming **** BETA CODE ****

Postby acommonjo » April 10th, 2012, 12:40 pm

Follow up to my original report. I received my unit back from Costar-Tech with the hardware update completed. There is a very noticeable improvement in the streaming media quality. It comes across at a good level of volume and the lower bass tones are coming through too. Speaking with others via the phone connection sounds the same as it did prior to the upgrade on both ends of the call.

I did notice that the BlueStar connection cuts out immediately when I turn off the ignition now. Previously it would stay connected as long as my radio was on (about 10-15 minutes or until the doors are opened), but now the radio will remain on, but BlueStar disconnects. Not a major issue, but something unexpected. I'm not sure if this is something new with the new Beta Firmware or after the upgrade completed by Costar-Tech.
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