BlueStarII A2DP microphone problems!

BlueStarII A2DP microphone problems!

Postby Catpapa2525 » July 19th, 2012, 12:38 pm

First off this is a fantastic product! Secondly I understand that the A2DP is in BETA and I am glad that you have made it available to everyone. It took me a minute to get the Costar CPU up and running but it worked like a charm when I did. The call quality and A2DP sound quality are great. I even ran a dedicated line from the trunk of my 2009.1 G8 to the rear aux input of my head unit last night.

***PROBLEM*** When I use the A2DP the first time after I install the BlueStarII it mutes my microphone! The unit switches from live streaming to voice control without problems and the call quality is great coming into the car from the external call but the person calling in CANNOT HEAR ME TALK. Now, when I take it out and reflash the .cfw and put it back in the car it works great. Untill.... I use the A2DP again..... very frustrating any ideas?

***Also*** I have been getting weird errors about a script failure when I plug the BlueStarII into my laptop. Help Mr. Costar! Thanks -Drew :shock:
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Re: BlueStarII A2DP microphone problems!

Postby Catpapa2525 » July 19th, 2012, 11:01 pm

***Update*** I came home from work and played around with the unit more. In my G8 when I am listening to the A2DP and a call comes in it automatically switches to voice mode. The microphone is muted until I press the RED onstar button on the mirror.

Two other weird things have happened however. I am getting choppy playback on the A2DP and my outgoing voice quality is choppy as well as making the person in the car sound like a robot. Secondly at one point between resets the A2DP was coming through the voice channel which was really odd. As for the choppy robotic feed my limited experience leads me to the conclusion that there is an issue with A: reception as my costar unit is in the trunk of the car. OR B:a software/hardware problem resulting from the memory in the unit being cluttered or insufficient. Just a shot in the dark. I will keep fiddling with it to see if I can get it figured out. Oh BTW I am using two separate phones. An Iphone4 with the latest IOS update and a HTC inspire.
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Re: BlueStarII A2DP microphone problems!

Postby mrcostar » July 20th, 2012, 8:56 pm

Hi Drew,
Thanks for the feedback. We have had a couple complaints of the mic picking up noise during A2DP playback. So it could be that we are muting the mic and not re-enabling it properly when a call comes in.
I will dig a little into this and see what I can find.

The a2dp added alot of complexity into the way the connections to the cell are handled, so it is likely there are a few kinks to be worked out yet. We will keep improving this over the next few upgrades I'm sure.

Thanks again for your feedback.
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Re: BlueStarII A2DP microphone problems!

Postby marty45714 » March 21st, 2013, 3:57 pm

Has this been fixed yet and if not, do you have an ETA?
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BlueStarII audio problems!

Postby suzieq07tahoe » April 22nd, 2013, 5:40 pm

I am not sure if the trouble I am having is related to the A2DP or not, but here goes...I have successfully installed and paired my phone (windows 8 Samsung Ativ). I can answer calls and reply to text without any trouble. The problem is only when I initiate the call. I press the button to make the call, I am voice prompted to who I want to call, I say who and then the call goes through. However, I can't hear it dialing or the person on the other end! They can however hear me!

Any thoughts or advise would be greatly appreciated.

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